Proudly working in partnership
Bradford Birth to 19 is committed to partnership work that uses a place-based approach to makes social mobility a reality for young people.
Bradford Birth to 19 hosts the Education Alliance for Life Chances (EALC - pronounced elk), which was formed in 2022 to realise the recommendations from its predecessor programme, the Bradford Opportunity Area.
The ambitious partnership brings together Bradford's schools, health services, police, Local Authority, voluntary services, universities, faith leaders and businesses to tackle childhood inequality and improve social mobility for all.

Bradford Birth to 19 is a founding member of Bradford's Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER), the organisation committed to improving educational outcomes for children and young people through the power of science.
Bradford Birth to 19 delivers the Early Years provision for CAER in Bradford and nationally through our groundbreaking 50 Things to Do Before You're Five project.
We're proud to sit on the partnership board for the Department for Education's Bradford Priority Education Investment Area (PEIA).
Bradford Birth to 19 advises on the allocation of the over half a million pound Local Needs Fund for evidence-based bespoke interventions making improvements in attainment at key stages 2 and 4.
Open programmes
Our latest opportunities for networking, training and development available to schools, educators, leadership teams and researchers.
What’s on offer now?
More from Bradford Birth to 19's Evidence-Informed Practice Network
Shaping and Sharing 'What Works' in Education
Bradford Birth to 19 contributed content, learning and promotion to the Child of the North Report, working with N8, the community of eight research-intensive Northern universities.
We regularly present evidence to MPs at All Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) on topics including nursery schools, oracy and Child of the North.
We facilitated school engagement with now nationally rolled-out initiatives Glasses in Classes and SAMHE, which proved the positive impact of in-classroom wearing of glasses and air filter control.
Promoting Healthier Lifestyles in children
Since 2017, Bradford Birth to 19 has been funded by Sport England and The National Lottery to help primary schools make better use of the PE and Sports Premium funding and help secondary schools engage more with the Creating Active Schools Framework approach.
Since 2017, we have supported schools’ Early Years offer to be more physically active by using the 50 Things to Do Before You’re Five approach, funded by Sport England and The National Lottery.
teacher recruitment and retention
From 2017 to 2021, we offered Headteacher support through Bradford Opportunity Area, funded by the Department for Education (DfE). Working with STAR Academies we provided mentoring and coaching support for over 40 new headteachers.
From 2017 to 2022, we worked with Bradford for Teaching to promote teaching in Bradford as an exciting and rewarding career helping to significantly reduce the number of teachers leaving the profession in Bradford down to national average, from over 14% leakage to just over 10%.