Education Alliance for Life Chances

A partnership bringing together Bradford's schools, health services, police, the Local Authority, voluntary services, universities, faith leaders and business to tackle childhood inequality and improve social mobility for all, hosted by Bradford Birth to 19.


The Education Alliance for Life Chances (EALC - pronounced 'elk') was formed in 2022 to realise the recommendations from our predecessor programme, the Bradford Opportunity Area.

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The Challenge

Bradford is a unique place to live, to grow up, work and be an active citizen but the evidence is clear: current systems for delivering public services are fragmented and can be challenging to navigate - especially for families already experiencing disadvantage.

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Our Purpose

EALC will connect key organisations in Bradford’s public and voluntary sectors with the critical mass of schools and academy trusts represented on our partnership board. We will transform Bradford into a test bed for innovative  interventions across educational settings, through our partnership with Born in Bradford's Centre for Applied Education Research. 



Our Vision

For every child in Bradford to be supported to secure good life chances.


We have a bold 20 year ambition to improve the life chances of Bradford's most disadvantaged children. You can view our first delivery plan here

Click play to see what happened at our launch event


Collective Impact

When organisations work together in a structured way with a common agenda to achieve social change it is called collective impact. It’s based on the philosophy that large scale social change comes from cross-sector coordination rather than the isolated intervention of individual organisations. 

This is our underpinning approach to the way we work through the Education Alliance for Life Chances and also through our place base work known as ‘Act Locally’.

Click on the image below to find out more!


I support collective impact - link through


Our Act Locally areas 

Our ‘Act Locally’ partnerships in Bradford create effective hubs for families, and schools and services, delivering an integrated, evidence-led response to local needs. We work with and through schools, nurseries and educational settings, in partnership with data scientists at Born in Bradford’s Centre for Applied Education Research (CAER). Each partnership has agreed priorities, identified key local actors in each area and collated sources of data, including lived experience.


Please see below for the more information on the exciting work we are leading in our three Act Locally areas:

Manningham and girlington

Improving the mental health of female pupils and parents

Find out more

Central Keighley


Tackling food insecurity, poor diet and nutrition.                                

Find out more

holme wood


Supporting children and young people vulnerable to crime and antisocial behaviour

Find out more



Our Enabler Groups

Our Partnership Board

Our EALC partnership board brings together a range of organisations from across the Bradford District to work together to improve the life chances of Bradford's children.

Find out more

Head Teacher Reference Group

Our Head Teacher Reference Group connects the regional academic community, operational partners and education leaders from a large number of schools together 

Find out more

Latest News


Keep up with the most recent stories from the Education Alliance for Life Chances.

EALC publishes their 'Case for Support'
Read our Case for Support to understand why EALC exists and what we want change.
Read Blog
Act Locally Keighley Symposium
EALC is doing pioneering work on food insecurity and nutrition in Keighley.
Read Blog


Research Opportunities 


Our partners at Born in Bradford's Centre of Applied Education Research have a number of research projects in partnership with education settings which are  ongoing throughout the year. This is an exciting opportunity to collaborate and engage in knowledge exchange with experts in the field. To view projects which are currently recruiting please follow this link

Our Partners





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Beckfoot Trust - Current Vacancies


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Diocese of Leeds

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Act as One Festival - One Workforce Hub

Get in touch

01274 494898

Education Alliance for Life Chances, St Edmunds Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Washington St, Bradford, BD8 9QW

Page photography by Simon Wiffen